Writing Habits Tag

This tag comes from Amanda McCormick!

Writer Habits

Where do you like to write:

I have talked about this on a previous post.  I generally write in my bed or on my couch because I have to watch my son.  I do write at work sometimes at lunch, and I have fond hopes of one day actually writing at my desk at home…

What program do you like to write with:

I write with Word. I love Scrivener, but I didn’t buy it last year, and I’m waiting to win Nano and hoping to get it this year.

What is your current writing project:

Oh my. Well, my blog is always an ongoing project.  I have my “Fated Destiny” story about a dragon rider (fantasy) that I hoping to one day complete. I’m currently working on what I have – it’s all printed out. I hope to edit it and go back and fix some large issues I have with it so I can keep the story going.  My current project for Camp Nano and Nano is “We Witches Three,” my new novel about… three witches!

Have you ever finished a novel? If so, when and what was it about?

No. Sadly. Lots of short stories.

What was the last project you completed:

Do essays for school count? My current issue is that I haven’t finish a novel.  I write many short stories though. Essays projects. Book reviews.

Do you snack when you write:

Ha.  Yeah. Way too much.  I love sour gummy things.  Or gummy worms (my current obsession is the all berry bag), as well as the gummy Sour Patch Watermelons. Oh how I love those.  There is always chocolate. I usually drink tea or coffee.

When is your favorite time to write:

My favorite time to write is when its raining. Sounds odd, but I love the sound of storms.  I sometimes play storm soundtracks to write otherwise.  I came up for my entire premise of “Fated Destiny” driving home during a storm one day, which started out life as a 17 page short story.  Other than that – early in the morning or late at night.

What music do you listen to when you write:

I have a playlist of music on youtube that is Celtic and instrumental. Storm soundtracks. And currently my new obsession is “Light of the Seven” from Game of Thrones.

How long have you been writing, and what inspired you – basically, why do you keep this habit of writing up:

I have been writing for as long as I can remember. My first real short story that I remember was for our portfolio in fifth grade and it was about everything coming to life when we left school. And the Pencil and Pen got married.  I love writing.  It helps in large part with complicated emotions.  My drama/English teacher in high school said that her best writers always had complicated pasts, things to deal with/not an easy childhood.  I can say that’s true for me as least. I love creating, and these ideas are in my head anyways. Might as well use them.

I tag Monica Spees (if you get tired of this just tell me) and any of my author friends who are reading this!

2 thoughts on “Writing Habits Tag

  1. Haha not tired of it! They’re pretty fun, and they get me writing something 🙂 I’m sure the Pencil and Pen’s nuptials in your story were beautiful. Maybe I could take some tips from them 😉

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