Camp NaNoWriMo Begins

It has begun! Camp NaNoWriMo begins! I am working on my new novel, We Witches Three, with a goal of 20,000.

I have not entered in all my data for last month for my various blogs and such so I won’t be sharing total word count for June until tomorrow.

I am off to great start for camp with 1000 words though, so yay!

I have new fantastic writing music: The Light of the Seven.

Dear me, it is glorious. If any of you watch Game of Thrones you probably know what I am talking about. And let me say, the finale for Season Six was amazing. And this song. Oh this song.

So it’s my new jam.

Night folks!

2 thoughts on “Camp NaNoWriMo Begins

  1. I have written 1093 words so far a combination of Morning Pages and poetry. I am juggling a full time job as a Peer Specialist I just started. I am trying to get used to the hours but I have an awesome team that are becoming my friends. My username is azurebreeze and what is your username?

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